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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Why I'm Sometimes Away for a Bit ?

             When I first started this Blog in my Fizzly's name, I had no idea how this process would turn out, or indeed even work ?  What I have found the most amazing is that,  through this Story Telling, I would find people who would be prepared, to read and comment about My Fizzly Post's.  This has made me have a new purpose and a wanting to reach out to more people, and gain more friends and learn lots more,  about some truly amazing dogs. 

                        I found the Site Tripawds and this is an incredible place,  as I have already spoken about it, in my previous post about  " My  Blogging  Experience ..... So  Far !! "  So I will not go into how this Site has made this Blogging Idea, really opened up and turned,  into something wonderful.  It is so much more than that,  those people who know me well,  will actually know something about me that I don't like to dwell on, or normally even mention.

                    But I feel that for this Blog it will hopefully explain why, this Blogging Experience has had such, a profound effect on my life in General.  Those people who know me will already know,  how much this Blogging has affected me, and it has given me a new lease on life. The fact is that I have been ill  for many years, and I  have a variety of illnesses as I seem to collect them, like most people collect ornaments !! 
   But in short as I could continue on for pages :)  

         I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia these were brought on, because when I worked as a Microbiologist in a Hospital. The Machine that we used to test for Tuberculosis was faulty, and it led to me becoming infected with Tuberculosis of the Liver ( Impressive I know !! )    This TB of the Liver led to Adhesions inside my entire Stomach etc area's,  so Basically My Entire body from Waist to Neck,  is like Sellotape sticking to Sellotape !!  
Lovely I know and also Bloody Painful !!   So A  Lot of  Pain Killers Later !!

        Now I manage to hide this fact quite well from People,  who I meet in my General Day to Day Life, but those who know me, will often come in and Just Look at me .............. and then say nothing !!  So I normally guess that I must be looking Absolutely Stunning :) or just Bloody Awful !!!  

         They are also totally surprised that I started this Blogging Lark,  as I'm normally in Bed by 4pm, ( Such a Party Animal !! )  and I also never answer my phone, and I'm normally always in my home !!  So the fact that I'm talking to people at all ! 

It's amazing !! ......  and I must admit I'm having a Ball !!

Just Like My Fizzle's !

                 Now I didn't tell you this because of the " Woe  is  Me !! "  Because I hope you who have read a few, of my Slightly Manic Pages will hopefully realise,  that I am definitely not a Woe  is  Me  Girl !!  I'm just like my Fizzle's,  I don't let small things like hurting,  effect the truest aspect of life which is .............
  LIVE  and  LOVE  LIFE  and  ENJOY !!

           What I wanted to explain is WHY I'm sometimes away  for a Few Day's, and why this Blogging has effected me so much  :) 
     Hopefully it also explains why my animals are so important to me, and when I say that Fizz was My Life        

............... I truly Mean that ........ Fizz was My Life .........   

            The reason for me telling you this is simple it's just to inform you, those of you who read my Blog's, will  hopefully  understand  WHY  ?  I'm away for a few days or I don't get straight back to you,  when any of you send messages or questions.

         It's  NOT  because I'm Ignoring you or have given up on my Post's,  it's just that if I do too much.  Then I have to take a lil rest and recover,  as I can only continue without  repercussions for  ONLY  SO  LONG !!   I was worried that some of you may get fed up,  if  I don't post quickly enough or I'm out of touch, So I felt it was only right to explain  WHY  ??

           If  I do too much then I also get to the point that My Family,  will actually refuse me any LAP TOP ACCESS !!!  As they can see when I have done too much,  and they don't like to see me any worse than I normally am  :) 

So to be fair they look out for me ......  When I don't look out for Myself !! 

Fizzly and her " Baby " My Daughter Emma xoxox

My Fizzly took her role of watching out for her Family !!  As much as My Family have learn't to Look out for ME !!!

          I would like you to realise that as I'm home virtually All the Time !!  My Animals are my Friend's, So this is why I have such a strong connection with all of them. Because they are My Friends,  Companions, Confidants,  and one of My Main reason's for getting up in the Morning.  My Animal's,  Children and Hubbie Poor Dai  <3  :)  ( He has to Put Up with Soooo Much !!

          When I lost my Fizzly it has affected me more than anything else, she and I had this Connection, and ability to talk without noise. When she decided that she had,  had enough and wanted to Move Onward, with her Journey.....  She did it with a courage that I could only hope to gain,  and she did it with a Total Bond of Love, even in her Pain she acted like she was fine with My Children and Only Lay down next to me, when the children had left her sight ........

          When Ben and Emma came back into the room,  she would sit up and act like nothing was wrong .... She Loved them so much that,  she neglected her own pain and worried about them .......  All the Picture's  I have of Fizz apart from the one when she First Came home,  After her Operation ........ the Only  Other photo's,  that I have of my Brave Girl after her Amputation and Cancer,  were all taken after she'd made the decision,  as she was just so tired  ..... 

         So all these photo's were taken,  an hour or so before she took her Bravest Step, so these Picture's have a mixed emotions when I look at them.  But I see the love she had for my children, and that she was ready and  willing to move onwards.  But one of  My  Biggest  Regret's and  Something  that  I Wish,  I'd been Told and something I would tell,  Everyone who reads this Post,  Is  Please Take lots of Pictures, Film's and whatever else you can. 

         Because they are your memories and its something,  that I will wish to my own last breath.  I wish that I'd taken some of my Brave Girls battle,  because she was Incredible,  and she brought me so much Joy  :)  She was the Great  Love  of  My  Life  and more than that.....

  She was My Truest Best Friend and I Loved her Completely.

              My Animals, Hubbie and Children,  they are the only reason why I continue to fight,  and wake up,  Get  Up  and  Live and  Love  each  Day !! 

       They are My Reason for ...............  BEING !!! 

My Fizzly and her Bestest Mate, My Son Ben xoxox


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Picture's and Film's of my Fizzle's

Picture's and Films of My Fizzles, Just because I Don't like leaving My Post's on Post 13 !!

My Fizz.

Fizzle's and Emma ~ Total Love 

Fizzle's and Ben were always Best Mate's 

Fizz who never lost her Smile.

Fizzly's Last Film with my Daughter Emma <3

Fizz and Emma this video was taken on the day, that Fizzly decided that she wanted to end her Battle with Cancer. 

                              Fizz and Ruby Roo.


                           Fizz and the 2009 Litter of Puglet's

Fizz and Mitzi Mooz.

Fizz and Emma.

Fizz and Ben.

My Beautiful Girl.

Fizzle's with Babies.

Fizz, Ben and Mitzi. 

Fizz and Tiggy in Fizz's First Snow. 

Fizz and Emma. 

Fizz at 5 months old 


You's Stinky !!


My Best Friend.

1st Day of a 3 Legged Dog's Life !

         I didn't have any idea,  how Fizz or I would cope once she came home, so I was feeling slightly calmer that Fizzle's had done so well already. Even though Fizz had walked / hopped around the surgery, and had leapt into the car like a Gazelle, I was still totally petrified, that something would go wrong. The total panic rising from me was because now I was totally alone, no vets ,no nurses ..... Now it was just Fizz and I just dealing with this all alone, just the way we liked it. 

               With my heart racing, and Dai holding Fizzly up with the Cot Bumper, we managed opened the front door,  I was in front with the lead in both sense's of the word .  Dai was supporting Fizz, and Fizz was wobbling between us, we must have looked a right sight, then all of us squeezed into our home. It was a Congo line with a difference, all we needed was the music, but even without it , we walked in the house in style !! 

         When Fizzly got first diagnosed with Bone Cancer, I knew she would have to have her leg removed, but even knowing it ........ seeing it and living it, are a totally different prospect. If I'm honest I don't know if I was ready,  for the shock of seeing her  " Minus Leg ".  It wasn't the Incision though, as I could only see a part of it, as Emma the Nurse hadn't been able to remove the whole thing ?!?  As our Fizzle's was not happy about her tugging on the sticky Plaster, especially as she had just made her Marathon,  all Around the Surgery !!

                   So the Incision was not the shocking part it's just the hole, the empty space that should have held her leg, this space was truly shocking. I almost burst into tears, every time I looked at where, Just a short day before where her Black and Tan Leg had been. It made me almost aghast at the simple thought process,that  was ..... Yes !  My dog was for now on going to be moving around, on 3 legs instead of 4. 

3 Legs Instead of 4 Fizz never Lost Her SMILE !!!

                    Feeling's of  Shock , Pain, Heart~break and  Horror, are all normal thoughts, and nothing to feel guilty about, you have gone through this so quickly.  That it takes time to come to terms, with the thought's that  YOU   have made this decision, and that decision was to TAKE OFF YOUR DOG'S LEG !!!  Feeling these thing's are fine and normal, but this is the most Important Part ....... 

  You Can't Show How You Feel !! .............................

                   You have to Show them that Everything is Normal !!!

       When a Person or Child is having a Limb removed, especially to Cancer when there will be a continuing Battle,  even after the Trauma of the Surgery.  You then use Speech and you can explain the, Why's What's and How's,  and help them to adjust or gain acceptance, or understanding with words. You can tell them that they are going to hurt afterwards ......... But I Promise It will Stop Hurting Soon ......

            You can say comforting thing's or explain why the limb needs to be removed and what it will life be like after the removal.   When the Understandable Panic Set's In then, all these things can be done through words, reading or just Listening to What the Doctor's or Specialists have to say. People rely on having Conversation's and the Ability to find out Information, we have forgotten how to actually feel Body Language and all the Subtle Sign's that Animals can Pick Up Instantly !!!

         All of these things fall by the Wayside, when it come's to helping your Pet, to Understand, or know What and Why this is Happening to Them.  Animals don't use SPEECH they understand common word's and What  mean's what,  when you train them as puppies,  eg :- Sit,  Stay,  Down,  Stop  Chewing  on  My  Best  Shoe's .........  Eat Daddies  Shoe's  Instead  Of  MINE  !!!   Don't eat My Bloody Table !!! 

   Or in  Fizz's  Case ................ 
              Don't  eat  My  ENTIRE  CHOCOLATE  BIRTHDAY  CAKE !!!  
See it was Karma that's why, she had her leg off  ! She ate my Birthday Cake Smile with tongue!!

And She Always Managed To Look Totally Innocent !!!

       I don't know whether, I did this the right way or wrong way, but I do know that Fizzle's never acted unsure or scared, apart from one time a couple of days after her amputation, but I will talk about that next time and as usual I'm jumping ahead of my Tale. What I'm trying to do is show you how if you act Calm, and Sure of Yourself in any situation, even with a perfectly healthy dog, I have always told people, that when it come's to dog's then ...........

            Always ....... Mean What You Say and Fake it !! 

        The Image of how your feeling even if your totally lying, It's the image of Calm, Assured and Totally In Control ........ Will then mean that your pet will feel Calm, Assured and Totally In Control ! Because if Mummy is so Calm and Happy then there is nothing I need to worry about and whatever Has Happened to Me Can't be    THAT  BAD  ?? Otherwise Mummy would be worried or Panicked !!

 Those of you who have had children .........

    Did you ever notice that if you didn't make a FUSS or Panicked, when your  TODDLER  fell over.........Then  they  Didn't  Cry  or  Make  a  FUSS   ?

   But if you did make a fuss ...... then the same child, and the same Fall ........     
They would become totally hysterical ???

           Well its exactly the same with your Pet , When they come Home For the First Time Since their Surgery !! Please  Believe  Me ...... Your Pet will  Deal with the  Amputation  a  Hell of  a   LOT  BETTER 
 If  you act  like  Nothing  is  Different and ...........

 They may have had a  LEG  OFF ........ But  it  doesn't  CHANGE  ANYTHING  !!!

         This is the attitude that you will have to find deep inside of you, and this is how you have to be whenever you are around your Pet. When your away from them, then you can collapse into a heap and cry, as I must admit, I did my fair share of crying or venting. I had to find ways to help me deal, with all the pent up worry and panic, that I had to hide from my family and Fizzle's.

        This was my main reason for doing this Blog as I think especially if you have children, then you need to take control of the situation and be strong for them and your pet. So I wanted to be a place where you don't need to be strong, and you can just tell me how it is, and not worry about upsetting me :) I have been through this and I had to deal with it on my own and it was truly extremely difficult. You can only be strong for so long, without a helping hand or a comforting ear,
         I know I did it ..... and it was not a pleasant time.

         But I knew that if I wasn't strong for Fizzle's,  then she herself would have given up, and I was never going to let her go without a fight. The Bond that is shared between an owner and their pet is something that is so intense they almost coexist as one. The relationship between Fizz and I was exactly that and more, its a bond that I haven't had with any other pets that I have owned. This does not mean that I didn't or don't totally adore all my other Pets, Past and Present.  

      But we just had this amazing understanding, and bond that I think .......... 

            ........... You will only ever have once in a Life time ! Angel  

       This is the mind set that will get you through those first few days, and it's something that helped Fizz and I, to deal with everything that was happening to her during this time. Even though I wouldn't want to lose My Fizzle's ever,  this Illness made our already amazing Bond,  into something totally Spiritual.  Its something that has made it possible for me, to go forward after the Devastating Loss, when she lost her Bravest Battle, and she finally Succumbed.

      Its this Strength of Character that Fizz showed, to everyone who met her, while she was going  through her Amputation and further Treatment.  That has made it possible for me to try, in a small way to emulate her Courage and Greatness of Spirit, for me to move forward and carry on without her. Then try to find a way through her, to help other's when they are going through, this Ordeal of when you amputate a Pet's Limb, be it because of Cancer or for any other reason. 

      She was my heart and her loss almost destroyed me, but if I help one person to cope or deal, with this trauma and this awful disease of Cancer.  Then I know my Fizzle's will be watching down, and hopefully she will be a lil proud of her devoted Mummy. Who is only just managing to hold it together, as some days are darker than other's, but this Blog has given me a Purpose, and ............

I hope I am doing Fizzly Justice, as I do it all in her name .......  RainbowFizzly Angel

My Fizzly and Emma the day, she came home !!



Saturday, 17 November 2012

Tango's Fighting Battle for a much Better Life !!

        When I first started my Blog, my hope was to help people if they had problems, with their pets or just needed some advice as to how to deal, with any animal issue that had arisen in their lives. I wanted to be a place where people could come, and we could help people together, and through all of you reading these Post's, we could help other's when they needed a helping hand.

         Now this post is something different, this post is me asking for all of you to help me !!  Now,  I don't have a problem pet 
 ( well I do in Milly, but she's a total lost cause  Smile with tongue  )  

           But enough of my problems, and back to the serious business of           
Me  asking  We  for  Help  :)    Before I ask you all for your kind help, I want to introduce you to a Dog who has caught my Heart Strings and he's not planning on letting go, and here's hoping by the end of this Post, he will have caught a few of you as well !!!

     Introducing  Tango  the  Orange  Bear  !!!    

                This Dog is my main reason for bringing Pen to Paper, or in our case Finger's to Lap Top !! Tango is a True Survivor in every sense of the word, and he had Survived with an Unbelievable Acceptance and a Total Forgiving Nature and its more than that ............ Tango has been through a Terrible Time, 
            What is more amazing that anything, Is That Tango still has the 
                                         Capacity to LOVE  !!!  

                       Tango has probably had one of the worst times ever, he has come from Turkey, where he had been used as a fighting dog, Tango also has had his Ear's Cut Off , they think using scissors, but definitely without anaesthetic, and when they had finished with him, they threw him into the streets ........  

      Where he was then,  Hit  By  a  Car  ..........  and with his leg badly broken and infected, the Place that rescued him decided to remove his Leg, so he was then left at the rescue place, and all the while he was, trying to heal up and get healthy.

                Tango was left in the Rescue Centre for over a year,  but  No~One  offered him a Home, Because in Turkey,  A Disabled 3 Legged  Dog  is...... Worth  Nothing  At  All ...... So one of the Rescuer's decided to try to find him a Home Abroad ??  

This is when Tango was seen by Caroline,  and Tango was Finally Homed   :)  

    Finally Safe and Finally Home !!!    

        This is the Link for all the information about Tango and how his wonderful new home, found out about him and what Caroline, who is Tango's New Mummy and Biggest Fan. Caroline wants the very best for Tango and this Link show's us how she is hoping to achieve, them and .......... 

   All of  Tango's  Goals of  Life and More   :)  


Tango  The  Orange  Bear  also has his own Facebook Page !!  

  The Link for that is ~

This is Tango and his new brother Vader who also has a Minus Leg !! 

              So now I come to the reason behind this posting and Why I need 
                                               YOUR  HELP !!

        If you have read the Link then you will basically know, what I'm after and why ....... But for those of you who jump over Links then your very naughty  :) , but I will let you in on the secret. and the reason behind my Story. While Tango looks to us all to be totally happy, and in the most Idyllic home imaginable !! You would be right as he has definitely landed on all 3 Paw's when he was taken in by Caroline  :)    

           But Tango's Suffering is far from over, and he is about to face one of his biggest Fights Yet ....... and this Battle that Tango has to win is the Courageous Battle to be able to Walk ......... and walk without Pain and Walk  Easily and in  COMFORT !!  This amazing Boy has had to fight for every part of his life and so far he's not had a perfect life or even a  Semi ~ All  Right  Life !!!  But  now he has the Home, that such a courageous and forgiving Dog Like Tango, should have had, from the time he was born. 


          This  is  Tango  the Orange  Bear  Living  the  Hard  Life  !!    

               Now Why do I need your help ??  Because of Tango's Past and His Obvious Injuries, Caroline can not get Insurance to help pay for his Surgeries and Tango is going to have a  LOT  of Surgeries,  if he is ever going to walk Unaided, and more  Importantly Walk  without  PAIN  !!! Tango will  Firstly need a Cart with Wheels to help him be more mobile as, His remaining Front Leg has been  healed  Crookedly, so he can't use his Cart properly yet without the Surgery.
        This is Caroline's Post that can be found on Tango's Facebook Page, explaining what Tango needs to have done, and what Surgeries are needed for this, Incredible Dog to live his life to it's full Intention :- 

So... Tango's vet visit:

Teeth: Tango's teeth may be removed when he has surgery as they are badly damaged but they are not causing him any pain. They estimate him to be a young adult and not quite middle aged, so 4 is about right.

The MRSA scare: Wound has healed nicely and he has been given 10 more days of strong antibiotics, they don't think it's MRSA. After that it's a waiting game, if the wound reopens and the infection looks to have come back then he will need a swab to test it, and if it's a superbug that antibiotics cannot kill then he will need an operation like a tumor removal to cut out the infected skin. The chance of this happening looks much less likely with the success of the antibiotics, the wound is gone and there is scar tissue but this doesn't mean it's gone from the inside.

The surprise....: Whilst in the waiting room I noticed a large lump on Tango's left side, just as well we were at the vets, the vet said it looked like a non-descript fatty lump but to keep an eye on its size and to bring him in if it gets any bigger, this literally popped up this evening very quickly. If it gets any bigger or is still there in 3 weeks they will inject it to take a sample.

Tango's foot: Tango's cart is the next step and they will splint the leg so he cannot use it while he's on wheels. It will take 6-8 weeks to heal and they want to refer me to somewhere else to be sure they can do it with as much support as possible for his weight, they may need to put a metal cage around the outside of the leg as well as plates inside the leg. The operation cost for this is estimated between £1000 and £1500 pounds but this was a guess, and may be much more. I will phone Noel Fitzpatrick (the bionic vet) tomorrow to get an idea of what will be done and what the price will be but it won't be cheap! Tango is uninsurable so I will have to come up with the money for that myself as well as the £600 (again a rough estimate) for his cart, and xray costs etc. When Tango has got his cart they will bring him in for xrays to assess the damage, we may be lucky, it may look worse on the outside than it is on the inside but we won't know until that's done. I spoke to them about all of the options, removing his entire leg (not a great quality of life, he would have to be nursed 24/7) and the fusing operation and cart. I am happy I've made the right decision for him, and if at any point he begins to look unhappy (crying as I type this) I will have him put to sleep, but not without a chance of happiness.

Thank you once again for all of your support, I have a lot more research to do and phone calls to make now but I hope in the end it will be worth it for him. Please excuse me if I don't reply straight away tonight, I am exhausted from the stress of all of this and want to just cuddle him in bed tonight.     

   Tango's Showing his Love  <3   

  How  Can  We  Help  Tango  to  get  Him  Mobile and Well  !!! 

           This is what I am asking all of you , If any of you have any idea's as to how we could raise Fund's For Tango's Wheels / Cart and his further Surgeries. With any other Cost's that run along, when you bring yourself to take in an Injured Dog, who has been Traumatised and Abused. How can we help Caroline in her Quest in Making Tango's Remaining Time, as Wonderful and Active as Possible, while showing him the abundance of Love. that His Life had so far been without !! 

          Caroline is not asking for anything, as she feels that she brought Tango into her Home so she should take on the Financial  Burden, But my thoughts are that Not all of Us can bring in a Disabled Dog and Open your Home and Heart, as most of us have Busy Lives, and Normal Life Worries ............ So I wanted to help Caroline as I feel that we should all feel Part of Tango's Treatment,  Hope and Love. If thinking up way's to raise Money or Kindly Offering a Small Donation .............

          Then we will all have SAVED  a  Disabled and Abused  Dog Who Deserves a 2nd Chance, and then we will all own a Small Part of a Truly Amazing Dog, and Have the Undying Gratitude of a Wonderful Lady, Caroline who is also Tango's Devoted Mummy  :0)

          If you have any Idea's then please Post them in the Comments Box, or Contact Me on My FaceBook Page or Use the Link for Tango's Facebook Page which is Above ........... 

         Any Donation's then Please Contact Caroline on  Tango's FaceBook Page.

        Any Small amount will be more than willingly received, and More than Likely With Tears from Caroline, and a Big Thank you from Tango xoxox

          Caroline who is not in Good  Health herself  has Taken on this Huge Challenge of Bringing Tango from Turkey and the Taking  Him  into her  Family and Home. Without any thought for herself, she did this with only One Loving  WISH ,

       Which  is  that  Tango  the  Orange  Bear  would  have  the    

         Chance  Of   Happiness ,  and  give  him  the  Life,   and        

   Total Love ,    that  this  Incredible    Dog   Deserves, and  who    

   even   after  all   his,   Pain  and  Torture  from   his   Past   Life  

   ~  This  Amazing   Animal  still  has  this  Ability  To Carry On   

                        With  A  Wonderful  Zest  For  LIFE  !                 

      The  Continuous   Fogiving    Spirit,  and    to  Show  us  the     

            Never   Ending   and   Enduring  Power  of   LOVE !!         

 This is a Link to A Film of Tango and other 3 Legged Dogs  :0)

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

My Blogging Experience .... So Far !!

           For those of you who know me, You will be totally surprised, by my even starting a Blog, as I'm known by my friends to hate everything computer's.  I'm also not normally known for my keeping in contact, with people and I'm normally a nightmare to get hold of ....... so spending time on a Computer. Especially with the fact that I have to keep in regular contact, on a form of Social Networking. Will completely astound everyone who I know !!
          But as I told you all on the beginning, when I started this Blogging Life I did it to help people, and if I'm honest, it was also a way of getting over my own loss of my Rottweiler named Fizz. 

The big question is ? 

In these few weeks into this Blogging Business is ..... have I helped anyone or have I overcome my loss ??

     Well the asking if I have helped anyone. is down to all of you who have come and read my stories. So my next question should be to all of you ...... 

Have I helped any of you ?
Have you found my blog interesting ? 
Has this Blog been helpful in any way ?
What can I do differently to help you more ?
Would you like me to discuss something that's worrying you ? 
Is there a topic that you would like me to discuss ?

      With regards to whether this Blogging has helped me to recover from the Loss of Fizz ? Well I would say that I don't honestly think that I will ever get over her passing. But I have found talking and writing about Fizz, has sort of given me a purpose. Though I have found myself sometime's crying as I write which I think worries my Family a bit ........ and I get a lot of Don't do it if it Upset's You or Don't read about Cases if it's going to make you cry  :)  

      I know it upset's me and I think her life story Parts are going to get harder the further I go into Fizzly's Life, and her Battle with Cancer and Her Incredible courage, and then her Last Battle that she couldn't win. When I get to these stages, I feel I will be spending quite a bit of time Crying,  especially when I get to her passing as I haven't ever written about her Passing. I do find that I can hold it together, until I actually get to write it down and actually, see the words in whatever colour I picked for the Last Battle. 

     What has surprised me more is the differing opinion's, depending on which Site I post my  Blog's On. I can post exactly the same article and not mentioning any site's by name :) But the differing opinion's for the very same article's I find totally astounding, and some of them I find really upsetting. with the callous way they deem to reply to my post ?? Especially when I talk about Bone Cancer and the fact that I had chosen the path of Amputation and Chemotherapy.

     I realise that everyone has a different opinion and you can never please everyone, all of the time ( No Matter How Hard You May Try ) But one particular site seem's to have people who will always judge, before getting the full story, or just claim that what I'd done is unethical, and cruel and how could I allow myself to be pushed into thing's, without giving my dog any thought at all  :(  

             Those of you who have read some of my post's or those who actually know me, would laugh at such comments :)     But it still is upsetting and unfair especially when, there are other site's that are amazing out there !


            Now these two Sites, I am going to name, as they have been absolutely wonderful and I'd recommend visiting any of these  following Sites  :) 



            This Site is specifically made for Furry Friend's with only 3 Legs, who have lost a limb to a variety of Diseases and others that have been Injured in Accident's. The Site was started by a couple in America who had a Alsation named Jerry who had his leg removed like Fizzle's due to bone Cancer. His family started Blogging and so the Site Tripawds was made and the rest as they say is History.        
              My only wish is that I had found this site, when my Fizzly was first ill and Still with me ;)  This is an incredible family of friendly and helpful people, who know how it feels to have a Pet with an Amputation :) The wonderful reception that this site, gives people in need is a amazing thing to behold.

          If you love animal Stories of Courage and Survival then this place is a definite Place to visit, and you will be welcomed with open arms and lots of hugs :)  The people on this Site are definitely My Sort of People,  they don't judge anyone, they listen and give advice without being over ~ Bearing or Sarcastic. It's more than that,  though  they 
CARE I mean Really  CARE, they love their Dog's in the True and Proper Way.
          They certainly don't let a Small Problem of Cancer or Accident's, Slow them down or allow the fact that their Pet only has 3 Legs  to hinder their Pet's Life and Goal's. Even when in Grief as a lot of these people are, as they have lost like me their Beloved Pet, to the diseases that their Pets were suffering from. But even then they have the capacity in their hearts, to help others, even when in their own Darkest Moments.

           These amazing people have the capacity, to put aside their own Grief or Suffering, to spend time offering support and help for others.  Who are in the beginnings of their own Battle with diseases, or accidental Injuries, that have led to their Pet either losing a limb, or some massive hurdle of life. But these new people will find Hundred's of people willing to offer support, advice or just a friendly ear. It's these people who have gone through these Dark Moment's before, that will help others when they themselves are suffering.

          Now that I think is worthy and totally amazing and these people who have lost their own Best Friends. I want them to know now, how totally amazing I think they are, and how immensely proud their Dog Angels must be of their owners. Who will follow on their pet's Story and help other's in their Best Friends name. 

         I think this is the most wonderful gift, and I think anyone would find this Site to be a benefit, and a wonderful Place to be, my only suggestion is remember to bring the Tissue's ?!? 

Use the Link Above to see " Jerry Living It Large "  and Putting two Paw's up to Bone Cancer and Time Frames !!!


          This is another Site that I would highly recommend,



             This is a Place for like minded people, who have started Blog's about Anything Animals, when I decided to start my Blogging experience I was a complete novice and as anyone who know's me, will know !  
I'm a total Idiot when it comes to anything Technical !! ) 
       The whole idea for this Blog was to try and help people, but to help people you have to get People to see your Site ?!? 
        This is where BlogPaws came into my Life, it's a site where you can add your Blog to and then, more people will be able to see and Visit your site.  Which for me I felt was a perfect place to start, I didn't know what to expect from my time, on this new BlogPaws Site especially as my beginning of my Blogging world, had been slightly knocked by other site's.

       I was very shocked by one site, that I'd added myself to as the whole Idea was be a place, for people to come to if they were going through hard times. I noticed that the Site was not printing any of my posts, or well wishes to other's, going through tough time's like Fizz and I.  So as I said they had not posted any of my answers to people ?? 

               So I emailed the main person as I thought I was probably not doing it correctly as I was a complete novice.         I received a Curt Reply from the main man !! Who claimed that as I had put my Blog Address on some of my replies to people, so therefore My replies were not allowed to be published ?!? 

       His actual words were "
 Why would I post your answers to people, with your Blog Address , Why would he want to send People to another BLOG  !!! "

        Firstly I was shocked and then bemused and then angry !! I have a variety of Link's on My Blogs and I want to help people, So if I can help people and send them on to another Site then I am more than willing to do it. I just didn't believe that this Large Company would feel threatened enough, to not allow anyone to Place their Blog Sites on his Site ???  Personally I also couldn't believe how someone, could feel threatened of my Teeny Tiny Blog ???

        So when I joined Blog Paws I was slightly scared of doing the wrong thing and being told off again  :) But I need not have worried this Site has greeted me with open arms, and more than that they have bent over backwards to support me. They are all so pleased to help and have allowed me to put 2 Blogs on their site which had not been tried before and I managed to do it 

( On MY OWN !!! )

        See I'm getting better with the Technical ~ So Proud of Myself.

        If you ever decide to write or Start a Blog about animals, then this site is amazing and more than that they will help you with any problems or Questions that you may have. I have found the people on Blog Paws to be talented especially the Photo's some of them are amazing. But it's more than that these people have the same spirit that I love, they love their animals with a passion, and some are so passionate they dedicate their entire Blog to their Pets.

       But they also are welcoming and will get involved with your stories and will talk about them with everyone. They seem to be the most gracious hosts and show no sense of rivalry which is a big quest in the Cyber World . They are just Like ~ Minded people who love their Pets and show it through their Blogs and they all do it with Great Style and a 
Total Sense of FUN !!! 

      Could you ask for anything more !!!

                      So here I am a few weeks into my Blogging Experience and I must admit it's A lot More Work than I thought it would be ! But to be honest it's been a Great Time and I have Loved the whole experience and I hope some of you have enjoyed reading my Posts and Pages as much as I have writing them :) 

           All I have left to say is a

     To everyone that has helped me, 

     To those of you who have Taken the Time to read My Post's and Pages,

     To TriPawds and all the amazing people, dogs and stories,

     To Blog Paws for all the help, and Letting me do my Thing !!! 

      To My Family who have put up with all the 
CONSTANT story telling and for putting up with the Tap Tap Typing, the Crying and the General Intrusion into our lives with My Mind Set being all  THING'S BLOG'S !!!

     My Biggest Thank you goes to MY FIZZLE'S for without her, I would never ever have been here, she is my Inspiration, and                          The Total Love of My Life ! 

 I never knew how Lost I'd be, without You in My Life, until you continued on your Amazing Journey.       


Sunday, 11 November 2012

Adjusting to a 3 Legged Dog !

                 The moment you go and collect your Dog after it's amputation, is a very scary prospect, and one that hold's onto your Heart Strings and refuses to leave them alone. The emotional issue's aside, this is where the the total Panic begin's to settle in.  The worry of how will you and your dog deal with the amputation, and the self doubt begin's to rear it's ugly head. 

                    All of these Platitudes aside anyone who tell's you that they were not worried, on the drive to collect their 3 Legged Pet, is either completely bonker's or totally deluded !! I myself was a complete emotional wreck and I was totally worried about stupid thing's,  like how was she going to go to the toilet ??  How would she walk and not fall over, would she chew out the Stitches .......... this list was endless ! 

          No-one can explain what is the right way of feeling, or what you should do, or what should you worry the most about ?? No dog is the same, just like no person is the same, and there is no right or wrong thing,  or way to do, say or feel.  All you have which is more important .............  than any vet or any other person that come's into your life. 

What you have is something that no genius or expert, could beat or hope to teach you ???  

This is the fact that YOU know your DOG !!! Better than ANYONE !!

       This is a most powerful tool and one that has more importance when it come's down to the welfare, and treatment of your beloved best friend. I can not stress enough the importance of the bond, that you have with your beloved Pet, and it's this bond that will make you cope with whatever happen's next. It's this insider knowledge that will make you know, when your pet need's you and what they need from you. 

       This is the power of Love and it's this love that will make this trauma, into something that will be forever in your heart, and make you a stronger and wiser person by the end. You may not realise it yet, but you will soon. This nightmare that you are going through, will be your biggest learning experience, and the courage that your pet will show you, will forever change your thought's on life.

               They will surprise, amaze and leave you totally dumb founded at the unbelievable acceptance of whatever life throw's at them. Instead of hiding and wallowing in self pity, your pet will thrive and will show you how to live and more than that they will do it with laughter, joy and a zest for life that will leave you breathless. My Fizz went through so much in such a short space of time, and she passed way too soon, though if I'm honest if she had lived till she was 100, it would have still been too soon for me  :)

          The day we brought my fatty home was a day filled with high's and low's and everything in between !! I didn't know what to expect when we went to see her.  If I'm honest I was totally shocked that Fizz had walked so well, and we were allowed to take her  HOME  !!

This was Fizz a day after she came home !!

             I mean she had only had the surgery the day before and it was actually less than 24 hour's post op and she was home !! 

        I'm sure that is some kind of record, but then Fizzle's always liked doing thing's in high speed and she loved showing off. I had hoped that I would be totally ready for her return, I thought I was ready, right up until the moment we pulled in front of our home.  Then total Panic set in ......... how could I get her out of her scrunched up space between my leg's and the Dash Board of the Car ???  

 Then we had 3 steps down and then 1 step up ?!?!?          

        Now I try to believe that I'm quite a calm person, who can cope with most emergencies or situation's. But all these fact's meaning that I'm  SO  normally together .... and this mean't I could hold my NERVES !!  So Why were my Nerves Failing ?  Why had they all suddenly fallen apart completely ?  Right then and there ...... and just when I needed them so badly ???     

Cos how was I gonna get this 10 stone or maybe 8 and a half stone Rottweiler out of my Bloody Car !!! 

        This is when you need to just close your eye's for a moment, take a few deep breath's and just be STILL !! Because Screaming at this moment will un~nerve your TriPawd , and get your neighbours calling the police !!  Mind we had just had firemen cheering us on, so maybe we could get all the uniform's in one day !!  Now ladies we all like a man in uniform don't we !!!  and for the Gentlemen we have already had Emma our nurse, who wears a lovely green uniform just for you !! 

       So no screaming as it will upset your 3 legged Dog, and just settle down and calm yourself,  which is what I found myself being forced to do !!  Now the panic is totally normal, because when you brought your puppy they had 4 leg's, and now they have 3 leg's, so none of this is  NORMAL. There is no rule book's or A guide for dealing, with the making of this life changing decision for your pet. This is something that is so mind blowing, that panic is understandable and justified.

    ***    I don't know if when your pet loses a leg to an accident, then it's sort of out of your hand's and not something that you had actually elected to do to your pet. But when your pet has Cancer, the decision to remove the leg is your's totally ....... I don't know if this is somehow worse ??  I think this could be a good article, so if any of you have had a Pet injured in an accident and they then had a limb removed ... or if like me and Fizz, her leg was removed because of Cancer, If you could message in your views on the subject and whether you feel there is a difference ??   ***

        But as usual I'm going off Topic  :) 

       So getting back to the story, there I was sitting in a car being grinned at by this enormous 3 legged Rottweiler who had just noticed we were home and was giving me the LOOK !!!

                                         THIS LOOK !!!

          The look that tell's me " Mother I know your Panicked ...... But I'm totally Fine and just open the Bloody Door !!! "

           It's always embarrassing when your told off by your Pet's or in my case My Children spend most of their lives telling me to Behave !! so I seem to get it from a variety of side's. This time it was Fizzle's who was telling me once again to Pull Myself Together !! So I asked Dai to hold onto Fizzly's Lead and I opened my door, and got out. I got hold of the lead and by the time I had stood up to help guide Fizz, Carefully out of the Car .......... She had stood up and literally JUMPED out of the car UNAIDED !!!

          Told you she was a Show Off  :)  so once again this dog left me feeling in Awe, and also slightly Sheepish as my complete Melt Down, which was totally uncalled for. I rushed to put the Cot bumper under her tummy as we still had the 3 step's Down, and the 1 Step up before we would be safely inside. Dai came around to our side and he took the cot bumper and I took the lead as we turned toward's our home.

        The three of us together, with neighbour's watching on with baited breath ........ Fizz may have been the most " Dangerously Large Dog in our lil haven of home's " but she was also the one that everyone would cuddle, and allow their babies of all ages play with, and generally be around  :)   Fizz was also one of the Most  Loved  as well, so when she came home everyone was waiting or watching to see my brave girl come back safely home ......

        No~one came out of their home's but all were watching from Door's or Window's and this made me slightly choked and made me eye's begin welling once again. That this Rottweiler could be so loved by so many people. that they would make a point of watching out for our Gallant Return. As usual our Fizz did it in STYLE !! 
         She looked me in the eye and I asked  " are you ready ?  " The cheeky Grin told me all I needed to know, and with that I turned and said  " Ok Slowly " and with that we moved, hopping slowly and Bravely with a lot of Silent eye's and Prayer's from our Quiet Audience around us ! 

         We moved through our gate ...... down the 3 steps like it was the most Ordinary thing in the world  :)

  We paused by the front door and opened it wide ........... then we jumped the last step into our new 3 legged world and the beginning of Fizz's last and Final Battle and it's one that she did, with the same attitude and Courage, that she had shown from the moment we brought her home as a puppy. She lived on her term's and to say I was PROUD right at that moment is a complete and total understatement .........

      She had shown us what a truly incredible and magnificent dog that she was and in my heart still is ........

I Just Loves you !!