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Fizz's Story ( Part 11 )

      Hopefully by now you will all know how amazing this Rottweiler was, and how bravely she dealt with every hurdle along her way too short life. All through her life she had this ability to hide from us,  the fact that she was actually in an awful lot of pain, and she would be smiling the whole way through it. Fizz coped with the Twisted Bowel like it was a stubbed toe, and she had so far dealt with the Crutiate Ligament injury with the same amount of courage.

     Fizz was always a credit to her breed, and was always the bravest member of our family, but that day when I had her standing up, she actually looked like she was in an awful lot of pain. That in itself was enough for me to realise that my brave girl, did actually have the ability to feel pain, and right now she was feeling really sorry for herself. She was standing but she was still slightly out of it, as the surgery had only finished a couple of hours before !! 

     I was standing in front of her, and if I could have picked her up and carried her to the car, I would have done so, because I really didn't want to make her walk. But Fizzle's was a slightly huge beastie, and I don't know many people who would have been able to pick her up, on their own ....... let alone her lil owner in me !! So I gritted my teeth and decided that we would have to walk to the car, and we may as well start on our journey.  

     With me in the lead or holding the lead as normal, we stepped once into the breach again :)   whatever that actually mean's, but basically we started walking !! This lil lady once again showed us what Bravery actually Mean's, she walked, well hopped and then we went out of the room, out of the Clinic. We left the nurse at the door and move down the step to the Car Park, and then we had the enormous task of getting this Poorly feeling Rottweiler, into our car and on our way home ??

Ben and Fizzly !

     Those of you who have read the previous Part's to Fizz's Story, will all know where Fizz usually sat when she was in our car, and that was squished between the front Seat and the Dashboard of the car !! I had hoped that Fizz would have a lil bit of sense, and she would allow us to put her in the comfortable place on the back seat of the car !! 
       But of course Fizz " Poo Pooed !! " this idea and promptly made her way to the passenger seat side of the front of the car !!! 

             We tried to get the lump into the back seat, but she wasn't having any of it, so Dai just said 

" Let her sit in the front seat as normal and we will just see how it goes ???
         Though I wasn't happy with the suggestion, I figured we would see how it went, and we could always move her if she became uncomfortable. I sat in the front seat and moved my legs up, and pushed the chair as far back as I could get it !! We managed by me coaxing and Dai pushing, to get her into her desired place, not that she looked very happy when she got there !! In fact for the first time ever she looked in so much pain, and seriously unhappy, it almost made me cry to see how bad she felt.

         Dai got in and we started the car, and began our long journey home.  I tried to support her weight with my legs, not as easy as it sounds as Fizz was a very heavy girl. She lean't her head on my leg and closed her eye's in pain. I just sat there trying to stop the bumps in the road, or the turning of the car from hurting my baby, any more than necessary. I know Dai tried to drive carefully and not bounce Fizz around, but I hissed and snarled at every bump or quick turn .......... 

       Poor Dai it was the trip to the hospital, when I was in Labour all over again  !!  He does have to put up with a lot can't believe he's stayed around so long  :)  Especially as he wouldn't have the dogs, without me in the first place, mind you he say's that but he's always the one whose giving dog's cuddles, when he think's no~one's around to notice ?!? So I know he loves them all as much as I do, he has a serious bond with our Milly Mooz mind you
                      " only a father could love that Brain dead Dog !!! "

And he claim's that Charlie is WEIRD !!!

          Getting back to the important thing's of telling you the Fizzly's Tale's ....... I'm trying to float Fizzle's and growling at Dai  and Blaming him for  ALL  THE  POTHOLES !!  and all the while, my Fizzly was wincing and closing her eye's in pain ........ it was totally heart ~ Breaking. Even now so many year's later it still set's my teeth on edge.

        I can still feel the total sense of  I can't do anything to make this easier for her ??  and this is not an easy feeling to deal with. It was the only time so far with my Fizzly, when I felt that I couldn't help her and if I could have changed places with her ( Like every Mother out there I would have done so Instantly and without question ! ) It was while I was thinking about this thought, when Fizzly started to whimper and it was the most awful sound in the world .......

        With Fizz being so large it was easy to forget, just how young this Rottweiler actually was, and in all realities she was still a baby at 15 Months Old. She had also been through so much, in those Oh, so Short 15 Month's since she had come into our lives. We could see that she was getting more and more upset, and she was trying and failing, to get herself more comfortable. I told Dai to stop  ASAP  as she was really suffering, and I wanted to get her more comfortable. 

        With that he agreed, and we pulled into the closest Service's on the motorway, with Dai pulling into a lay by and then he stopped the car. All we had to do now was figure how to get this Rottweiler out of her cramped condition's and into the more spacious back seat !! Without breaking our backs, or being bitten by this 8 stone Rottweiler, who was in a severe amount of pain and not looking very happy !!

         Even though we knew Fizz would never have bitten us, it still didn't help with the transportation, from front seat to back seat problem ! We climbed out of the car, and debated how we were going to do it without hurting her more, than she was hurting already ??? After a series of possibilities we decided that I would call her and Dai would support her, once I stood outside the car Fizz automatically twisted towards me.

          I called her to come out, and with that my amazing lady pulled herself up, and climbed out of the car without a hand from Dai. She was always outstanding and right then and there she proved it once again, just how spirited she was. Fizz showed us how her love of me, would have made this dog walk on water, if I was standing on the other side and deemed to call out her name.  :)  She was my special girl and she will always remain so, and I can't begin to explain the total bond we had.

        Dai said to me  " Climb into the back seat and just call her and he would push her Butt from behind !! "
  I love the way I always had the pointy end when it was anything to do with My Fizzle's !! Mind you that's also the kissing end so I was always more than happy to oblige :)

        So that's what we did ..... I sat inside and called her to me and Dai stood behind, and helped guide her into the car, without banging her Bandaged leg on the side of the car. It was simple as that I think she realised that she would be happier and more comfortable with her Mummy on the back seat !! The I told you so's came to mind, but I was just happy that she had stopped squeaking. 

       She sighed and placed her head on my lap, and while I stroked her velvet ear's she closed her eye's and within moment's she was purring ..... Dai got back into the car, and we continued on our Journey, The next instant she was asleep, and her whole persona changed into complete contentment. I could begin to breath a lil easier, Fizz continued to purr happily, and Dai continued to drive us home ........  

Always Happier, when in someone's Arms !!



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