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Fizz's Story ( Part 1~2 and 3 )

          I feel if everyone who reads this Story is to truly appreciate what an amazing Dog my Fizzly was, then I need to tell her whole story right from the beginning. As I know that the last year of her short life may have been her defining part. The stage where everyone who knew her really began to acknowledge how truly remarkable she was. But I think you need to know my Fizz from the start not just the part where she finally met her brave and in my eye's Spiritual end.
           Because she was much more than an illness, she will always be and will always remain my Best Friend and I don't think I will ever get over losing her, but I think that it may be helped by the telling of her Story and by the helping of others.
Fizz and Mitzi Moo !
            For as long as I can remember I had always wanted a Rottweiler, but over the year's I had never actually got one. Through the years I had other dogs and even though I loved them totally, I still had this deep internal longing for the Black and Tan Rottie Breed.
         Not that Dai (  Hubby ) shared my longing !! In fact he was scared of anything bigger than a Corgi ?? Though spending more and more time with me, he has had a Hard Task Master in me. I have made sure over the years that his fears have rationalised, otherwise he would have never kept up with me and the children !!
            Bearing that in mind that I had 2 small children in Ben and Emma ( Not so Little now ! ) I knew that I could not just have any Rottweiler it would have to be an exceptional one. The breeding line would have to have an Incredible temperament as it's top credential and in my mind's eye that would be my first request !
            So as our home life rushed by instead of sauntering it seemed that my longing would have to remain just that and I almost put the thought out of my head.
            Then when Ben was around six, we met a new family in his Karate Club and this is how I met Linda who is now one of my closest friends. I soon found out that she bred a variety of different dogs and we'd talk Doggy whenever we met up !
            It was one of these Dog Talks that she mentioned that she was going to have to clip a few dogs as the weather was warming up.When I was younger my parents owned a Boarding Kennels and also a Clipping Business so I said I would go and help her as its a bit like riding a bicycle.   ( Though more Itchy !! )
             So the next day we went off to help Linda clip some warming up Spaniels !! When we arrived at Linda's I started asking her what Puppies she had at the moment ?? 

     ( as everyone who knows me Knows that I love Babies ! )
         Linda started to tell me and she reeled off some names, King Charles Spaniels, Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers and            ...................................  ROTTWEILERS !!!


                                         Fizz's Story Part 2.

 So there we were standing in Linda's yard and I get told she breeds Rottweilers and she has PUPPIES !!!!
          I tried to control my excitement and the jumping up and down !! I turned to Dai and his face had the classic OMG She's gonna either start squealing and Guess What she wants to have and What will we need to buy next look ??? 
             Believe me I wanted to do All of them  :)

             So the clipping job went way out of my mind ! Sorry Linda :P  
                            first things first Show me the babies !!

             I followed Linda down the yard almost pushing her over ! Linda opened the door to the room where she had the dogs and puppies. 

             She turned to me and asked did I mind her letting out Xena Yep that's right Fizz's Mummy was called Xena / Zena ( Linda spelt it wrong !! but yes indeed it was said the same ) 

           I said "don't be silly just let her out " she promptly opened the door and out came this absolutely enormous lump of a dog named Xena ??

            She was seriously one of the biggest lady Rottie's I had ever seen and she was gorgeous ! 
     She walked straight up to me and slumped down next to me and for those people who know Rottweilers then you will know exactly what I mean ?? When I say she sat on my foot, she actually slumped against my leg like a sack of spud's and started purring !! 

   This purring is something that seems to be a totally Rottweiler thing to do and for the untrained person this can be mis-interpreted as Growling !!! It's not growling believe me you will know when a Rottweiler is actually GROWLING !!! nope this is Purring and they do it when they realise your not scared of them and are just totally happy to be adored !!

          There is nothing sadder that when your with your Rottweiler and they see a child coming towards them and the parent of that child just grabs their hand and drags them away from the Savage Rottie !! 
It used to destroy Fizz when this happened and she would look absolutely devastated when this occurred !! She would look up at me and ask why can't I kiss that Baby I didn't do anything wrong ???

          So if you see a Rottweiler walking towards you, if your worried catch the owners eye and ask if its OK to touch their dog ?? and then Please do as there is nothing more loving than a Rottweiler when a stranger gives them affection and doesn't cross the road !! and believe me you will then hear a Rottweiler Purr it's probably one of the biggest things that I miss the most since My Fizz past, and it's a sound that everyone should hear at least once in their life :)

         I'm standing there with this big girl purring and you have to remember this is the 1st time that Xena had met Zena !! and she also had puppies ?? If a happy dog is ever gonna turn into an unhappy dog it's going to be when the happy dog has puppies ! and that is acceptable and totally natural. It's a Mum protecting their babies and that is what mother's will do !!

    Linda then says  "Would you like to see the puppies ? " WOULD I ???

         I said " As long as Xena won't be upset ?? I would love too "

         Linda says just go in as Xena wouldn't mind, so I went into where the babies were and I'm suddenly surrounded by 10 baby Rottweilers and God they were probably the fattest puppies I have ever seen and they were Stunning !! I sat down on the floor being attacked by a bunch of fatties and in walks Xena, I keep an eye on how she was reacting to me touching her puppies ?? One thing about Rottweilers they can't hide their feelings !! She looks over at me and decides she wants in on the action and then collapses next to me and just starts Purring !!! 

         This was the 1st time I had met Xena complete with babies and I had finally found the breeding line that I had been looking for, for a whole lot of years !!! I had found the Rottweiler who would be giving me the Love of my life My Fizzles.

         Now I would have taken one of those puppies right there and then ??? But unfortunately I was too late :(  they had all found homes which was great for Linda but oh my I'm not very patient !! as some of you will know to your peril !!!!

         So it was decided that next litter I would be back and I would have pick of the litter !!! and I couldn't wait. It seemed an eternity for Linda to give me the news that Xena was in season and then finally mated ! 

       If  Destiny or God played a part in putting me and Fizz together I thank them, and if any of you doubt that things happen for a reason or our paths are set in stone ?? 

       But if any of you are doubter's then let me Clarify something for you ............ Not only was Fizz's mother Called Xena ....... but Fizz was due on my Birthday !!!!      

                                       Explain that one everyone  

Whispers !!


                                         Fizz's Story Part 3.

     Now I know how long 9 Weeks are but Oh My 9 Weeks is an awfully long time to Wait !!!

       But eventually it came around and even though Fizz was due on my Birthday Xena decided to hold off  for another 2 days ( Cow Bag !! ) So My Fizzly came into this world on the 6th June 2004.

            I managed to control myself and decided I would go and visit Mummy and Babies when they were a bit bigger !! Though I went to visit Xena and babies before, I decided to wait until 7 weeks before picking which fat lump I wanted !! 

   The day I brought my Fizz home was the same day I went to pick her ??? 

         Mainly because I wouldn't put her down, and I think Linda was scared I would bite her if she asked to take her back !!!
     We travelled home with bags of food and a very fat Rottweiler Puppy and once we got home I still don't think I let her on the floor for over an hour ??

                  The next day my friend Mai came over to see my new baby and we are sitting having a coffee and she turns to me and says I hope you didn't get that Stupid Looking one that I saw when I was at Linda's the other day ?? It was sitting with it's brothers and sisters looking stupid with the tip of it's tongue hanging out it's closed mouth !!!! I said I most Certainly did not have that one ? We turned around to look at Fizz and she is sitting there with the tip of her tongue sticking out ??????

       Now I have had a variety of  Dogs over the years and when I was growing up we had around 25 Dogs and most of them lived inside, so I was used to puppies but I have never seen a puppy grow so quickly and grow so suddenly huge !!

      By 8 months Fizz Towered over my Chocolate Labrador Coco and would stand on top of  Corgi Tiggy and just stand there with this Corgi watching the world go by, between this huge Rottweiler's front legs !!

      It was around this time that I realised that Fizz was not right ?? I have always gone with my Gut and even though she didn't look ill ~ I knew that something was wrong with her ? Now those of you who have had one of my Puglets will know my Story about Coco ( But for those who don't know it, I will add Coco's Story to my pages soon )

              But the thought process is that from Coco's Story I Strongly believe that No-One knows your Pet like You Know Your Pet ............. and I knew that something was the matter with my not so little puppy Fizz, I always leave a dog for 24 hours, to wait to see if it's just an off colour day as we all have them every so often ??
        Anyway I waited and by this time Fizz would not eat her breakfast and had not drunk much water ?? I took her to the Vets and they checked her over and couldn't find anything wrong, so I was told to take her home and bring her back if she didn't get any better ?? 

                     I took her home and she still wouldn't eat and she started salivating as she wasn't drinking anything.... Lovely I know. We took her back the day after and each time the vet would squeeze her tummy and feel for Guarding ( Tensing with Pain ) She did nothing not even blink !!! 

         Home again .............. and back to the vets once again squeezing tummy, checking temperature all the normal things and still no idea. I was thinking of Coco and her twisted Gut, but she wasn't flinching when her stomach was being squeezed so...........

       The next day she started being sick and as she hadn't eaten anything she didn't have anything in her stomach so she was really unhappy ............ by the time we got her to the vets she was still trying to be sick and she collapsed on the floor and could hardly get up .......... when they took her temperature she was off the scale and they decided to operate on her to see what was up ??????

      I went out of the surgery in a complete state and went home feeling numb and once I got there I just sat by the phone and waited ............... and waited , for hours. Then the phone rang and I get told that she was lucky to be alive and they did not know whether she would make it and I should come and see her straight away.
                    We rush to the vets and what greets me is a very sorry sight, she's lying down in this cage her eye's closed and with a line of fluids going into a front leg. The vets tells me that she had, had a twisted bowel and that they were so rotten that they had removed 8 inches of Bowel and they felt that she had blood Poisoning and she would be lucky to make it through the night ................

          I said that she would make it and the Vet looked at me and said " She had never seen a dog with such a bad Twisted Bowel that did not even blink when they had squeezed the dog's stomach ........... It was unheard of and impossible for her to fathom or get her head around and that Fizz must have the Highest Pain Tolerance of any animal anywhere !! "

         I said nothing and just opened the door to the cage and sat down next to my special lady  :) She opened her eye's and her lil tail starts moving and she started crawling towards me !! I tell her don't be silly and I moved closer to her and she lay her head on my lap and started purring !!!! 

        The vet looks at Dai he just shrugs his shoulders and says " that any animal would go through anything to please me " and the vet just looks and smiles and walked away !!

       The next morning I rang the surgery and I get told that she had made it through the night !! She had chewed her way through 2 fluid drips and she was hungry !!! and please come and see her and if she did well through the day then I would be able to collect her that night to take her home !

That was Fizz's 1st glance at death and it wouldn't be her last ...................


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