When Fizz had her leg amputated she smashed up 3 Cones !! and was intent in causing me heart failure, due to her reopening her Incision !
The thought dawned on me that finding something that tasted DISGUSTING maybe a way to stop her !!
I tried various things to get her to stop and nothing worked then I had the Brain~wave ! BI~CARBONATE OF SODA !!!
This is the white powder used for Cooking, its a powder so it doesn't soften the healing Incision and its easy to apply and it will stay there on the skin and surrounding fur and more importantly it tastes DISGUSTING !!!!
If in doubt taste it yourself !!!!
My daughter Emma doubted and I made her taste some on the tip of her finger !!! wish I had done it while filming !!!!
What I did next was to rub some Bi~Carbonate of Soda around the area NOT on the stitches themselves as it may have stung her ???
But I rubbed some around the scar and as its a powder it didn't run into the incision and it stayed on the skin like Talcolm powder on us !!
I looked her straight in the eye and removed her sellotaped Flower Pot off her head !! She looked at me and almost shrugged her shoulders and promptly turned around to lick at the stitches !!!
Well Walt Disney would have been proud of her !!!
She scrunched up her entire face and her whole body just shuddered , she turned away from her Minus Leg !!!
Glared at me, huffed and then she lay her head down and closed her eyes and ignored me for the rest of the day !!!!!
It was the funniest thing I have ever seen and it makes me smile just to think of it !!
I then put some more on the next day but to my knowledge she never even turned her head towards her leg, let alone chewed it !
If it could stop a Rottweiler ripping out stitches I think it would work on anything !!! .....
I thought that these may help some of you, and its just Tip's and Tricks that I have found over the years. Some by advice by others. some by trial and error and some by entire Guess Work !!!!
Please Message me if you have any tips or tricks that have helped you with your pets and I will add your Tip/Trick as the ..........
Thank you for your help in advance :P xoxox